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“Kallas argued that the assets could be appropriated within a legal framework. “I won’t use the word ‘confiscation’ because it’s actually using assets in a legal way,” she said at the meeting.” Theft, robbery, stealing, piracy, appropriation, confiscation — what do these words really mean? Kallas believes that by just calling it something else, it will make it legal.

“In the first year it will be up to the EU to prime the pump” – Who are they priming the pump for? Who would invest in a debt-ridden, destroy-infrastructure, with no cheap Russian energy, and run by corrupt oligarchs? Who would invest in this corrupt basket case?

“All these problems are likely to resurface after the war is open [sic, over] as Ukraine remains one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. … In this context, confiscating the CBR’s money starts to look a lot more appealing. [WTF?] There is no other way to fund the investment needed to kick start Ukraine’s recovery and start that bounce-back-boom.” – Who is the Aris kidding? What investment is he talking about? Ukraine is lost and the West is raising a new iron curtain. Ukraine will be on the eastern side of that curtain. There won’t be any investment by the West – and even if there was, the West is only capable of financialized extraction. Only China is building global infrastructure. Confiscating CBR’s money will lock-in the cold war with no hope of repairing any economic trust between Russian and Europe. This will signal the economic decline of the EU as Michael Hudson has stated many times. With the loss of cheap Russian energy, industry will flee Europe.

But the banks who loaned money to Ukraine, will likely get bailed out in a bookkeeping maneuver — because 1s and 0s on computers are not real assets, just financial accounting. Real assets produce raw materials, goods, and services from energy — and with the EU lacking raw materials and cheap Russian energy, it will become a dependent basket case economy. The $300B won’t keep the lights on, or industry operating. The EU is heading into depression — and all to support a neocon war based on russophobia primed by neocon visions of US global domination.

Michael Hudson, in the below interview on Dialogue Works, explains the neocon proxy war and the insanity of Europe to go along with it. The European leaders no longer represent Europeans, but are instead invested in maintaining US hegemony at the expense of Europe. Europe has become a sacrifice zone to maintain US/NATO domination. The US neocon policy is to create chaos everywhere so the world has no alternative to US hegemony and US dollar centric trade. Now that the neocon proxy war failed in Ukraine, plan B is to prevent the Western public from electing governments who will rule in the public interest (like the voided election in Romania) by using racist anti-Russian fear-mongering to maintain US domination of NATO and the EU. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiyHf4r4374

“Confiscating the CBR’s money will do a lot less damage than feared as the damage has already been done. Bottom line, there is no other way of funding Ukraine’s recovery other than seizing the CBR’s money.” – Aris closes with this nonsensical ending plea for the EU to engage in blatant theft. Aris is concocting a fake justification for that theft (to fund future infrastructure), when in fact the money will be used to continue the war and eventually bail out banks — leaving Euroclear holding the bag of lawsuits, and the European public burning coal to keep warm. This war has always been about preventing economic integration between Europe and Russia — which would threaten US hegemony. And the EU elite have sold out the European public to maintain their puppet elite status in the US empire.

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